Yemen: AML accuses coalition of killing 210 prisoners inside the Houthi prisons

Sanaa (Debriefer)
2020-03-04 | Since 2 Hour

A massacre committed by the coalition air forces against the prisoners of the Houthis in Dhamar (archive)

اضغط هنا لقراءة الخبر بالعربية

A Yemeni human rights organization on Tuesday accused the Saudi-led Arab coalition of killing 210 prisoners, with air strikes launched since its military intervention in Yemen in 2015.

The Abductees' Mothers League (AML)  said in a statement that "210 civilian abductees were killed due to the bombing of the Arab coalition warplanes on prisons and places of detention of the Houthi group, without paying attention to the lives of these innocent civilians, without investigation or accountability."

The statement pointed out that for five consecutive years "our sons were kidnapped, forcibly disappeared and arbitrarily detained behind bars without legal justification, and they were civilians who were taken from their homes, streets, and public places because of their opinions, political affiliations, or their intellectual and religious beliefs.

"There are 1,839 kidnapped and forcibly disappeared by the Houthi group five years ago, in 244 official prisons and places of detention," according to the statement.

He added: "We lost 71 kidnappers, who were killed under torture and physical liquidation without mercy and without punishment, in Houthi prisons."

The statement pointed out that "there are 38 enforced disappearances in the military and security formations in the city of Aden (south), three years ago in secret prisons belonging to Yemeni forces loyal to the Emirates."


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