Coalition air defenses intercept ballistic missile over Yemen's Marib

Marib (Debriefer)
2020-04-12 | Since 1 Week

Coalition air defenses intercept ballistic missile over Yemen's Marib

اضغط هنا لقراءة الخبر بالعربية

Arab coalition air defenses have intercepted a ballistic missile fired by Houthis on the Yemeni northeastern governorate of Marib, the Yemeni internationally-recognized government's army said Sunday.
"The Patriot system has intercepted a ballistic missile over Marib," the government forces' media center tweeted.
The missile was fire by the Houthis Sunday at noon, the center added without further details.
This is the second missile fired by the group at Marib in 24 hours, after the first fell Saturday near the house of a tribal sheikh in the al-Wadi district.
The Yemeni official government and Houthis trade blames for violating the two-week ceasefire announced by the Arab coalition on Wednesday and started on Thursday.
The coalition announcement came in response to UN call for a corona-ceasefire.

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