Houthis criticizes US calls for peace, coalition's inhumanity

2021-02-25 | Since 2 Month

Sana'a (Debriefer) - War on Yemen should come to an end in reality not just in words, spokesman for the Houthi group, accusing the Arab coalition's countries of political and military failure and of inhumanity.
Blockade on Yemeni northern Houthi-held areas is imposed by US means and "we cannot be deceived by shining, untrue words," Mohamed Abdul Salam added in remarks to al-Masyra.
The US position and rhetoric on peace in Yemen "have not gone beyond words, and we have seen no actual progress so far.
"Our whole people are besieged and denied access to oil tankers, injured people are prevented from retuning and patients die because Sana'a airport is closed, and we have heard no condemnation by those who drawl about human rights," he said.
On Tuesday, the US special envoy for Yemen reiterated his country's call on Houthis to stop all hostilities in Marib, as no military solution for Yemen's situation.
Tim Lenderking also called on parties to return to negotiations table in search for a comprehensive, fair settlement to completely stop war in the country and engage in political process.
However, Abdul Salam said, those who "targeted IDP camps, markets, weddings, mosques, children, ports and hospitals, besiege 30 million people and politically and militarily support the coalition have no right to talk about humanity.
"Real peaceful options are to stop, but not prolong the aggression.. and the other party wants to keep and not end the war," the Houthi spokesman added, accusing the coalition of refusing peaceful options.
The UN does not dare to condemn the blockade, and "we cannot keep silent at the aggression. The military option was imposed on us. We often called for peaceful options and, for our surprise, Washington declared this war."
"Marib is a key military area for the coalition powers since the beginning of war," so the Houthi escalation in Marib is "the right stance to counter the foreign forces," he claomed.

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