Acting Ambassador of Yemen to Spain tests positive for coronavirus

Madrid (Debriefer)
2020-04-04 | Since 3 Day

Acting Ambassador of Yemen in the Spanish capital, Madrid, Mohammed Maowdhah

Acting Ambassador of Yemen in the Spanish capital, Madrid, Mohammed Maoedhah announced that he is infected with Corona virus, as the first official in the Yemeni internationally recognized government living outside the country to be infected with the virus.

Maowadhah appeared in a video clip from inside the quarantine in a hospital in the capital, Madrid, declaring that he had the virus, saying: "I was confirmed infected with Coruna virus five days ago."

He added that he was subjected to optional house isolation and taking the necessary precautions, then he was transferred to the hospital after his condition deteriorated.

The Yemeni official confirmed that his health is now stable.


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