China: Riyadh pact only way to solve Yemen south issue

Sana'a - Riyadh (Debriefer)
2020-04-29 | Since 2 Week

Riyadh Agreement formally signed between Yemeni government and STC

Riyadh pact is the only right way to solve the south issue in Yemen, China has said, calling for the deal's immediate application.
"We call for return to immediate implementation of the Riyadh Agreement," the Chinese embassy in Yemen tweeted.
The deal is the only correct way to solve the Yemeni south issue, and considers the interests of all the Yemeni people, it added, noting that Beijing supports political solution for the Yemeni issue, on the basis of the three terms of references.
Saturday midnight, the Southern Transitional Council (STC) announced state of emergency and self-rule in Aden and other southern provinces, effective from Sunday dawn.
The Yemeni government has dubbed the move as stubborn intent "to blast efforts for applying the Riyadh Agreement and clear declaration of rejecting its provisions."

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