Houthi official calls Washington to stop supporting coalition

2021-01-27 | Since 1 Year

Mohamed Ali al-Houthi

Sana'a (Debriefer) - The United States is urged to ban support for the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen, member of the Houthi Political Supreme Council tweeted on Wednesday.
"America has to issue a ban on sending the arms and aircraft to, and providing the logistic support for Saudi Arabia and its alliance in aggression on Yemen," Mohamed Ali al-Houthi said.
"This is what should be reviewed until 26 February," the deadline set by the US Treasury for its license to deal with the Houthi group.
"The funds collected by the US Treasury Department were the price of the American-Saudi-Emirati coalition's terrorism in the form of killing the children and women, and destroying and starving Yemen," he added.
On Monday, the US Treasury issued a license allowing for dealings with the Houthis, among others.
On 11 January, the US former Secretary of State said his department designated the Houthis as a terrorist group and to add Abdul Malik (their leader), Abdul Khaliq al-Houthi and Abdullah Yahiya al-Hakim into the global terrorists list.
These designations will provide additional tools to confront the Houthi terrorist activity, and they aim to hold the group responsible for its terrorist acts, including trans-border attacks threatening civilians, infrastructure and commercial shipping, Mike Pompeo added.
On Friday, the US new administration promised to review the designation as soon as possible.

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