Bomb kills Saudi officer, 4 troops in Yemeni Hadhramout

Shibam (Debriefer)
2019-09-19 | Since 2 Year

Hadhramout, the Yemeni largest governorate

اضغط هنا لقراءة الخبر بالعربية

A Saudi military leader and two fellow troops and two Yemeni soldiers were killed and others injured Thursday, security sources said, when an explosive device blasted in the Valley of the Yemeni eastern governorate of Hadhramout.

The Saudi Hadhramout-based forces commander, Colonel Bandar bin Mazid al-Otaibi, was killed as defusing an explosive devices believed to be planted by Qaeda militants in Wadi Ali, some 40 kilometers away from the historical city of Shibam, security source told Debriefer.

"Five armed pickups were informed that devices had been planted in the area, where they arrived and removed two of them.

"Having been undetected, a third device exploded, leaving the officer and four (two Yemeni and two Saudi) troops killed and 13 others injured," the source added.

For three years now, the Valley of Hadhramout has seen assassinations of officers, troops, officials, clerics and civilians.

Hadhramout Valley and Desert areas have been security and militarily controlled by the first military region loyal to the Yemeni Vice-president, Ali Muhsin al-Ahmar, and the Muslim Brethren-affiliated Islah Party.

The Valley of Hadhramout is a stronghold of the Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) that has exploited the 4.5-year-old war in Yemen to expand activity there and in other governorates of Abyan, Shabwa, Bayda, Marib and Jawf.

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