Yemen witnesses sudden increase in Covid-19 infections

2021-08-02 | Since 2 Month

Aden (Debriefer) - Yemen on Sunday recorded 11 new infections and two deaths (one in Hadhramout and another in Shabwa) of Covid-19, the health ministry-run emergency committee said.
The new infections occurred in Taiz, Hadhramout and Shabwa, the committee added.
These latest statistics bring the total to 7,070 Covid-19 cases, including 1,377 deaths and 4,200 recoveries.
Yemeni government-held areas saw a sudden increase in infections in the last 72 hours, after nearly two months of decline in the pandemic, with Thursday recording 15 and Friday 16 new cases.
In Houthi-held provinces, the authorities impose blackout on coronavirus spread and cases, as part of their own policy to curb the pandemic.

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