Middle East Monitor: Spain activists protest against Saudi ship carrying US weapons to Yemen

London (Debriefer)
2019-12-12 | Since 4 Year

The Saudi Bahri Abha boat

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The Middle East Monitor organisation stated that Anti-war campaigners organised a demonstration at a Spanish interface against the birth of a Saudi freight boat thought to be carrying US and Canadian made arms into Yemen.

The Bahri Abha boat came yesterday from the US to the southern Spanish interface of Sagunto, Valencia.

In the protest the Control Arms Coalition demanded that the Spanish government stop the boat from loading some other weapons likely to be employed by the Saudi authorities in the five-year warfare in Yemen after the 21 September Revolution in 2014.

The coalition of activists included organisations like Amnesty International, FundiPau, Greenpeace and Oxfam Intermón.

Alberto Estevez, a spokesperson for the campaign said:”Considering Yemen’s present war started in 2015, the exact same boat has carried weapons, largely military aircraft parts, worth 143 million [$158 million] on eight voyages in the United States to Saudi Arabia.”


“The Spanish authorities must intervene to make certain that this Saudi sunken boat isn’t transporting more deadly freight that may be used to commit additional atrocities from Yemen,” he further added.

The Bahri Abha abandoned Sagunto yesterday day and is thought to be heading into Genoa in Italy, according to activists.

The Antimilitarists Conscientious Objection Movement, another Spanish serenity group, denounced the”dreadful irony” of this circumstance, stating the boat enables”war crimes to be perpetrated, which will prolong and improve violence and injury countless men and women of the war in Yemen.”

Amnesty International reported that NGOs also fear that the boat may have loaded new weapons although it had been docked in Spain. This was the situation with a different boat from precisely the exact same fleet, the Bahri Yanbu, that loaded firearms destined for the United Arab Emirates in Santander in May this year.

Based on Amnesty, at the end of the calendar year, over 233,000 Yemenis will have been murdered as a consequence of the fighting or the diplomatic catastrophe, described by the UN as the worst on earth. What’s more, a few 14.3 million individuals are in danger of famine.


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